Filing Cabinet ICHIBAN TB4-2D Yokohama Fireproof

Filing Cabinet ICHIBAN TB4-2D Yokohama Fireproof

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Rp 29.859.000

Filing Cabinet ICHIBAN TB4-2D Yokohama Fireproof


Filing Cabinet ICHIBAN TB4-2D Yokohama Fireproof

Filing Cabinet ICHIBAN TB4-2D Yokohama Fireproof
Filing Cabinet ICHIBAN TB4-2D Yokohama Fireproof

Filing Cabinet ICHIBAN TB4-2D Yokohama Fireproof

Filing Cabinet ICHIBAN TB4 Yokohama Fireproof Description
Filing Cabinet ICHIBAN TB4 Yokohama Fireproof Description

ICHIBAN Japan Safes Avant-Garde


Furnished with a plunger lock to control all drawers and a key changable combination lock on top drawer and a key lock on other drawers as a standard feature.

Individual drawer locking latch allows the user to leave one or more drawers unlocked with the plunger in the lock position.



Type : TB4-2D

  • Jenis : Dial, Filing Cabinet Fireproof
  • Warna : hanya ada 1 warna saja seperti pada gambar.
  • Ukuran luar (panjang x lebar x tinggi) : 515 x 755 x 835 mm
  • Ukuran dalam (panjang x lebar x tinggi) : 389 x 669 x 300 mm
  • Berat : 180 kg
  • Kapasitas interior : 410 liter
  • Accessories : Dial lock + central lock on top drawer and independent key lock per each other drawers.
  • Standard : 2 Hour JIS-TS

*) specification can be changed without notice


Kondisi Penawaran :

  • Barang 100% Baru
  • Pengiriman hanya untuk area Jakarta saja.
  • Apabila barang ready stock. maka lama pengiriman +/- 4 hari kerja.
  • Harga barang adalah Franco Jakarta untuk lantai dasar.
  • Apabila barang naik/turun lantai dan tidak ada lift barang, maka akan dikenakan biaya tambahan per lantai.
  • Pembayaran di tempat / Cash On Delivery (COD) atau Bank Transfer On Delivery (BTOD)
  • Sebelum memesan. pastikan spesifikasi dan ukuran sesuai dengan keperluan Anda.


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